we believe that when we come together as His Church to glorify, exalt and praise Jesus something special takes place.
Worship creates an atmosphere which helps connect people with the tangible presence of God. The testimonies of what God has done in and through people’s hearts and lives during worship in our House is breathtaking; Sons and Daughters set free, healings, hope restored, fresh vision, encounter, transformation. A touch of Heaven can change a life. Our desire is to create an environment of worship with as little distractions as possible, a place for God to do what He so willingly wants to do...meet with you.
Our heart as Creative Pastors is to bring a passionate, united team to Church every Sunday who facilitate a Holy Spirit and faith-filled atmosphere that connects people to God, glorifying and expanding His Kingdom.
The Creatives in our C3 Whanau pursue a lifestyle of worship and are supported to develop the unique Kingdom call on their life within a culture of servanthood and excellence. We meet every Tuesday night for input and band practice.
With love,
Jake and Maree Morice
Creative Pastors