Vision Builders 2024

You are officially invited to Vision Builders 2024!

C3 Church Taupō has a fabulous story behind it, but we have an even more fabulous story out in front of us; and that story involves each and every one of us picking up the pen of destiny and working with Christ Jesus to advance and build His Church.


Vision Builders Night

6pm | 29 June 2024 | C3 Church, 11 Totara Street, Taupo | Tickets: $45 each
Cocktail Dress Code

How to partner with Vision Builders

Make a pledge

Please prayerfully consider the level of giving that you feel is appropriate for you and your family, based on wisdom and faith. The philosophy of Vision Builders is that together we all give through equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

Make a formal commitment to give on a Vision Builders commitment card or the Vision Builders online commitment below.

Vision Builders online commitment form.

How to give

Direct Bank Transfer

C3 VB Account Number: 01 0427 0109750 46
Reference: Giving Number/Name

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vision Builders?

At the heart of Vision Builders is a desire for people to receive eternal life and be transformed by the power of Christ. It is a partnership between ordinary people and an extraordinary purpose.

Vision Builders funds the initiatives that serve this vision. It is responsible for raising the finance needed to build and upgrade our church building and create physical spaces that our people would be proud to bring their family and friends to. We build the House of God, so that people can find their home.

Can I give to Vision Builders instead of tithing?

Vision Builders should be seen as giving in addition to the Tithe.

What if I can't fulfil my pledge?

Firstly, we encourage people to make realistic pledges. However, we understand that sometimes events happen and for whatever reason people find difficulty in fulfilling their pledge within the timeframe. We suggest that you may still want to fulfill your pledge by breaking it down into smaller amounts over a longer period of time.

If I'm new to church, should I be giving to Vision Builders?

There is no pressure for anyone to give to Vision Builders, nor is there any minimum requirement. New people who would like to give are most welcome, as is anyone who finds that our vision resonates with them.

If I am in debt, should I pay off my debts or give to Vision Builders?

If you are in significant debt, paying this debt should be your first priority, along with your regular Tithe. Reducing the debt to a manageable amount (or even clearing it completely) should be attempted as you also make a manageable donation to Vision Builders. Remember no amount is insignificant.

Do you need my details? I wish to remain anonymous.

You may remain anonymous if you wish, and all the details of your giving will be kept confidential. However, you will not be able to claim tax deductibility for your giving as we will be unable to provide you with a record of your contribution, which will be required as evidence for the New Zealand Taxation Office.