• C3 Church Taupo (map)
  • 11 Totara Street
  • Taupo, Waikato, 3330
  • New Zealand

We invite you to join us for The Outpouring in Singapore next year! It's been over a decade since the whole C3 family has gathered like this and we couldn't be more excited.

We hear the sound of an enormous outpouring of the Holy Spirit for every nation. And you can be part of it. Pouring our lives out on the altar, together in Singapore, every C3 Church around the world will receive fresh fire, and be renewed with fresh oil, for a new day of increase across the Earth. Young men and women from around the world being touched by God, seeing visions and declaring the future. Our praise and our worship will ascend to God. Seeing bigger, becoming bigger, empowered by the Holy Spirit we will reach nations for Christ.

This conference is open the whole C3 family! We believe fresh vision and power will equip you and your teams. Bring your pastors, leaders, board members, youth leaders, worship leaders, creative teams, business people and influencers! This will be a historic breakthrough event! It's time for revival!